Their first release features "hacking" that's pure Hollywood flash, but also strikes a decent balance between being complex and accessible, clever and fun.
Hacking as portrayed in movies seems like the kind of tense, fast-paced, moderately puzzle-like action that fits a video game perfectly, and lucky for me I guess, the guys at independent developer Introversion Software agreed. I never understood why fake hacking never took off of as a genre. In more tangible terms, getting caught means that players will have to restart the game from the beginning. However, should you be detected and caught, the Uplink Corporation will scuttle your Gateway and remove all traces of your work. Money earned from your virtual escapades can be put towards acquiring new equipment and improved cracking utilities.

The title's mission structure is free-form in nature, allowing players to complete jobs in whatever order they choose, with new jobs made available once your reputation and trustworthiness reaches a point that sufficiently satisfies your prospective employers. Additionally, Uplink Agents are able to influence the global stock market in order to acquire credits by buying and selling stocks. To accomplish these missions, you'll need to manage the various software under your control, assigning CPU usage to specific tasks in order to complete them faster or risk capture by doing multiple tasks more slowly. Initially, these amount to little more than stealing files and cracking passwords, but with each success your reputation will improve, thus earning you more difficult and higher paying jobs that involve money laundering, erasing or modifying records, information theft and even corporate sabotage.

Equipped with only basic equipment and a small initial investment, players set about acquiring jobs.

Part strategy, part puzzle title, Uplink: Hacker Elite follows players' exploits as a newly recruited Uplink Agent - skilled hackers who make a living by selling their expertise to high-paying corporations.